Retail Math Basics
Get to know the financial side of your business
Knowing the basic retail math formulas is key to truly understanding how your business performs financially. Understanding how the formulas works, and the relationships between the metrics will help you make smarter decisions with your pricing, promotions, inventory investments and forecasting. Even if you have a system that spits out the answers, knowing how all the pieces work together is important so you can understand how to maximize the dollars that go into your pocket at the end of the day.
This course will give you the confidence you need to dive into the financial side of you business, and make the best decisions for your shop. Retail math sounds scary, but I'll break it down in easy to use formulas, and talk about what you can learn from each metric.
Your Instructor
Hello! I’m Sarah. I’m a former planner for corporate retail brands looking to guide passionate, independent retailers that want to grow profitably and inspire their customers with amazing products. I'll help you understand the financial side of your business and confidently analyze sales trends, evaluate pricing and plan inventory investments.